The Holy Priesthood
If asked to state in one sentence or phrase the most distinguishing feature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what...
We Look to Christ
“Absolutely basic to our faith is our testimony of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. We believe in Christ. We teach of Christ. We look to...
Marriage & Family
Marriage and Family is the youth’s topic for the month of August. Truly one of the most beautiful doctrines of the Church is the...
Ordinances & Covenants
“One of the great blessings of the restored gospel is the privilege of entering into sacred covenants with our Father in Heaven -...
The Priesthood of God
I have been feeling lately that part of my study should include the youth curriculum. Gratefully I heeded that feeling! Over the last...
Taking the Gospel to All the World
A year and a half ago, I had the privilege of attending BYU Education Week with my sister. It was life-changing for me! Perhaps the...
Written In Our Hearts
I have thought a lot about Jeffrey R. Holland's quote I used to end the last blog, "After an encounter with the living Son of the living...