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2019 Conference Quotes

become happier and holier
the temple is His house
commandments are guide
make and keep covenants
find and embrace
constant stream of divine guidance
remember promises
compensating blessings
God's objective
when He comes
our Good Shepherd
Christ redeems
most universally received ordinance
One who knows
homes filled with love
find continued resolve
trust the Lord 3
more carefully aligned
very best each day
blessings reserved
worship and serve

2017 & 2018 Conference Quotes

the Book of Mormon
with God
survive blossom trust
stand as close as humanly possible
be peacemakers
establish regular patterns
the Lord will bring miracles
take more time
make an appointment
on in and through
meekness is 1a
increasingly and incrementally 1a
love what the Lord loves 2
make our homes
repentance is
believe love do
ultimate treasures
true disciples love to obey
align our lives
on our side
our example
men of the priesthood
labor side by side
active or merely busy
real priesthood power
participating and honoring
prophets spiritual armor
restoration of the priesthood
scriptures give guidance
keep Christ at the center
when God directs us
behold the Man
stretch beyond
watchman on the tower
our conduct and hearts
even small acts
in coming days
obey exactly
study every day
knowledge and truth
the atoning power
Gods fingerprints
how much value
our Heavenly Father's Plan
every generation
relationship is eternal
make time and take time
the Lord would never
trusting and believing
holding a grudge
choose the Lord's way
immersing ourselves
no trial or calamity
stronger and braver
stay on the path
never let go of the iron rod
trusting connection to God
no matter what
will you turn on your light
moments define
our light
learn to see
desire to change
no achievement
sacred moments
recognizing the light
be about Heavenly Father's work
God knows you
He knows the way
never too late
hearts will not change
place all your trust
unusual power
temple blessings
refiners fire
stay close to the Spirit
in public as well as in private
ultimate roadmap
learn to recognize
the living Christ
overcoming the world
make more of us
recommit ourselves
love one another
true disciples are
can we
rely on heavens help
have your own testimony
closer to Him
give time to holiness

2018 Fourth Sunday Lesson Quotes

Christlike love
truly understand
His perfect example
He will multiply
true ministering
organized, directed effort
Sabbath is the Savior's gift
look unto me
by His grace
the Sabbath is Gods time
Sabbath - a day to remember

Gordon B. Hinckley Lesson Quotes

increase our faith
put your trust in God
His Atonement
go to the house of the Lord
temple becomes bridge
look to Christ
the field is white
pure testimony
act that way
cultivate tolerance and appreciation
we do have a prophet
this is His kingdom
let virtue be a cornerstone
stay away from
acquire more light
schooling of the spirit
purpose of this book
prayerfully read the Book of Mormon
reaches beyond
be faithful and true
forgets himself
our lives
determine the fruit
simply live the gospel
24 7 365
you need heaven's help
strength rooted in homes
partnership of equals
happy home
testimony is real and powerful
we look to Him
believe, teach, look
no greater blessing
power and majesty
the praying family
be faithful
rise to potential
strong burning faith
power of faith in God
storms sunlight
believe in yourself
shower down blessings
the time has come
priesthood authority
handled, read, tested
carry on
crowning blessings

2015 & 2016 Conference Quotes

priesthood power
we should not assume
the real power
true faith
perfect example
real repentance
life changing words
keep covenants
unite to serve
discover the power
without a trace
the Sabbath day
accountability to God
God invites us
only opinion
one perfect path
every good thing counts
the Lord's pattern
divine love
joy has
to be a witness
seek and receive
moment of prayer
ask God
heaven sent blessings
joy and peace
believe trust and hope
see others
hope and healing
faith more 3a
greater vision
love is
God loves us
all truth
forgiveness is
increase in faithfulness
a father who reads
remember who you are
heaven is cheering you on
more than anything else
loom large
no more important commitment
keep following the Savior
qualities we should seek
exceed anything
we can do it!
unforgiving heart
He can make us whole
parents willing to listen
in His eternal plan
eternal protections
pray listen follow
God sees
other righteous youth
ordinances have eternal significance
where are the keys
lead, guide, walk beside
meant to be eternal
no point of no return
want to improve
He was one
pointed to Jesus Christ
choose faith
the correct choice
no unfairness
no life so shattered
learned by faith
more humble
closeness of the Savior
if we are not careful
seek act reach
anchor ourselves
love of God and neighbor
closer to the Savior
faith never demands
reach upward
bravely let your light shine
our response
makes us more
hear and heed
begin exercising faith
by choice
true obedience
faith in Jesus Christ
whatever level
spiritual growth
stand up & testify
as we trust
live as believers
firmly planted
turn to Him
make then keep
faithful in tribulation
good and getting better
the Lord adds His power
strength to bear
centered with exactness
stay on board
path back
no darkness
created to have joy
see my faith
fulness of times
let ourselves be led
what matters most
put God first
no choice sin or mistake
do it
nothing more crucial
the Sabbath
I am a child of God
spiritual predators
covenant obligation
read study ponder
families are forever
our direction
you are
true worship
exaltation is goal
in the gospel
fiery darts
see ourselves as His
guide us through
wonders and marvels
awake and alert
godly fear
stay rooted
decision to believe
God is our Father
as we attend the temple
marriage and family
boldly defend
Sabbath day holy
God invites all
God cares more
true disciple
let us
doubt not fear not
need to be found
answers come
keeping and seeing
if we don't
service that counts
eternal destiny
greater hope
our testimony our shield.JPG
narrow path.JPG
how we live
few are essential
brotherly hands
spiritual food
service center
no scars remain
beautiful music of gospel
righteous parenting
complete not compete
family is the center
doors of the temple
God hears your silent prayers
stay by the tree
He stands on wounded feet
wonders of gospel
no going back
humbly follow
the only source
God's grace
Light of the world
seed of gospel word
each piece fits
His infinite compassion
Faith in the Lord's Timing
Power to Withstand
The Only Way
Lord's plan

Miscellaneous Church Quotes

our children
put exclamation points instead
opportunity to choose
We can turn to Him
seek to know God and His Son
live on the Lords side
prepare to receive
joy is powerful 2
relevant blessings
true marriage
righteousness and happiness
smooth sailing
into the kingdom of God
follow Him always
things of the Spirit
save one's soul
personal influence
catch a glimpse
all made right
no good
mothers righteous influence
willing obedience
beautiful marriage
active engagement
our test
wonderful things
If I
more / less
trust in the Lord
so little light
Jesus Christ is
next step forward
loving father
enjoy life
prayer works
only one way
this Christmas
compensatory spiritual power
enriching our souls
miracles can happen
thankful heart
must have grateful heart
grateful & happier
every time
thankful heart
heavenly promises
how we respond
Light of Christ
world's way
live like the Good Shepherd
forge mold and fortify
You will be His
greatest battles
centered upon Jesus Christ
be courageous
eternal perspective
cannot be in camouflage
powerful instrument
acquainted with Him
from the pioneers we learn
standard to seek
plan of happiness
neither can influence
calms our souls
shaping & directing
come unto Christ
personal prayers
true faith
everyone walk by faith
rear & love
love of mother
toward God
As Believers
Share His Joy
Language of the Spirit
with us and for us
Standard of Truth
Prepared for Temple
Not Ashamed
Walk path happy peopel walk
Tender Mercies
Our Lives Belong to God
So much depends on attitude
Atonement transcends
Rarely Moves Mountains
True Happiness
Pinterest knowledge 1b.JPG
Three Things
Jesus understands you
Gratitude is mark of noble soul
Lord Loves Good Women
Give as Savior gave
Walk in the ways of the Master
Charity state of heart
Errand of angels


sanctify yourselves
ask of God
steadfast and immovable

Conference Quotes

2014 & Earlier

hope teaches
adoration emulation
development of character
obedience allows
keeping divine commandments
obedience to temple covenants
the cause of Jesus Christ
loyalty to the Lord
adoration best shown by emulation
child of God
suffered deeply
peace is priority
teaching children in the home 2
never let
infinitely compassionate Heavenly Father
lower the noise
never underestimate
strive continually
faith can
hope grows faith
spiritual light
degree of gratitude
God can
joy of motherhood
eternal perspective
refining fires
home should be anchor
never let Satan fool us
happiness comes through obedience
stop being offended
every day 5c
pure Christlike love
celebrate them
ordinances and covenants
effort and sacrifice
home should be
greatest gift
family needs father
God will keep His promises
to our gain
holy habits 1c
ongoing direction
eternal values
every tear today
safe and secure
true doctrine understood
utterly alone
faith written in our hearts
covenant keeper
straight and narrow path
love is always loyalty
marriage is a gift
come what may
what would Jesus do
personal revelation
love you perfectly
open windows
undying debt
seasons and storms
make them count
prayerful life
thanks for afflictions
grateful person
find joy
be kind and be grateful
attribute by attribute
gratitude is expression of faith
give thanks in all things
we can be grateful
hand in hand
gratitude brings peace
how much
written in our hearts
stands in defense
source of true peace
lose yourself
seek Him there
our homes
ideal forum
general conference
some blessings
when God speaks
more holy and sacred
real faith
Heavenly Father
truly need Him
the Lord will bless you
light and life
True Success Measured
believe and preach
refine our spirits
hear and respond
second commandment
road of repentance
calling of father
great fathers
conscious commitment
infinitely more
don't fit
one at a time
pray and search
deep trust
righteous example
holy place
who we are
Spiritual reservoirs
raising and nurturing
When Sore Trials Come
Decisions Affect Eternal Life
Act on Promptings
Embrace & Cherish
Pursuit of Holiness & Happiness
Scriptures Spiritual Protection
Real Charity
Following the Savior today
Lead & Comfort
Stay in the Boat
Our actions
Devoted Disciples
Walking as He walked
Never Forget
Don't yield
Spiritual Questions
Absolute Truth Exists
Lord is it I?
Savior is Prince of Peace
Decisions Determine Destiny
He will guide you
Qualifying for Exaltation
Ask of God
Revelation from God
Now is the Time
Power of Prayers
His Own Way & Time
Divine aid
Still Small Voice
consider better
We Witness to God
Eternal Contest
This Tall
Prepare our homes
Pinterest Every Hour.JPG
Sustaining of Prophets
Covenant Path
Show Me
Sincere Petition
Holy Ghost
Challenge to all youth
Supreme Act of Grace
I am my Brother's Brother
His Prophet
Living the Doctrine
Look to Him and Live
He loves you
Ministered to & strengthened by
Listen and Heed
Set Course Firmly
God cares about you
Greater than you can imagine
He Promised to Share
Knowing the Truth
Much Required
Prepare to Meet God
Heavenly light distills
Invitations containing Power
True Success
Divine discipleship
Atonement provides cleanser
Change of Heart
Rudder of Faith 2
No middle ground
There is no end
All beggars
Caring for poor & needy
Choices affect
Come Follow Me
choosing this day
Choose Wisely
Interested & watching out for
Actively Exercise Faith
Savior's Power & Light
We Need Each Other
No age barrier
Be Careful
Keeping covenants protects
shifting sands
Change You
Heavenly Help
Doubt your doubts
Happier days ahead
Blessings often subtle
True Conversion
Honest inquiry
Worth It!
Safety & Security
Ministering defines who we are
Forgiven and Forgive
Foundation of Faith
True ministry
Temple in your sights
Difficult times pave way
His perfect example
Enduring Well
Every action
He Loves Every One
Saying I love you
Who we will becom
RS the Lord's organization for women
Faith leads us to believe
happy is the man
Know Love Obey
We are women
Trust God
Life is to be enjoyed
If the Master is a stranger
Whatever we embrace
Spiritual Submissiveness
Free to Act
Sacrifice Brings Blessings
Empathy during agony

Miscellaneous Inspirational Quotes

beauty of the butterfly
heavenly blessings
free will
trust the Lord
manner of traveling green
express gratitude
feeling gratitude
gratitude makes joyful
enough and more
heart replete with thankfulness
thankfulness and gratitude
grateful heart
pride gets no pleasure
pledge of allegiance
true disciples
undying gratitude
perfect preparation
emerge into the light
a friend
praying for
Our hearts yearn
Accept Let Go Have Faith
no other way
happiness comes
God is Author of Diversity
High Standards
Called to Serve
Let Go Move Forward
Gratitude parent of virtues
Patience Good Attitude
Hardships often prepare
Life doesn't have to be perfect

Christmas Quotes

O Little Town of Bethlehem
this Christmas
Each of is is an Innkeeper
The Real Redeemer
Savior focus of season
Fill the earth with His love
Prince of Peace
Walk in the ways of the Master
Joyful Season
Thanks Be Unto God
Gift of Joy
Give as Savior gave
First Gift
Savior focus of season 2
Christmas in his heart

Howard W. Hunter Lesson Quotes

patterned after Jesus Christ
light of the world
why we serve
righteousness and holiness
most powerful force
doubted and questioned
resolutely and charitably
decide now
total commitment
we must be honest
we must succeed
our most faithful commitments
learned behavior
expression of happiness
solemn moments
in the temple
temple worthiness
the temple is
Come Follow Me
all is well
true greatness
with God nothing is impossible
searching and studying
peace and tranquility
eternal significance
lift our vision
God will direct His prophet
unending stream of revelation
look and live
He is not here
Joseph knew
follow the path
communication with Heavenly Father
look up
Jesus Christ possesses
God knows
one unfailing beacon
seek for peace
embrace life joyfully
true source
centered upon Jesus Christ
life is wonderful
this Christmas

Ezra Taft Benson Lesson Quotes

Christlike thoughts
ever moving upward
only answer
missionary work
sweat of brow
are we prepared
now is the time
no substitute
pride gets no pleasure
sexual immorality
you sow
peace joy blessings
feel better
love and sacrifice
marriage home and family
kneel together
home away from home
temple is standing witness
ever present reminder
it will teach you
it's impossible
how well we stand
eye on the Prophet
power in the book 1.JPG
Book of Mormon
treasure the word
immerse in scriptures
message and revelation
Complete Reliance on Him
how and why
Road to Perfection
Let Him In
Real Source
testing time
prayer will
Test Task Commandment

My Photography

Jordan River Temple 71818a
northern california sunset
St George Temple in Spring
Oahu Sunset
Heber Camp July 2010
Salt Lake Temple
Great Salt Lake Sunset
Mount Timpanogos Temple
Hawaiian sunset
northern california sunset #
salt lake temple sunset
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