Feast at the Table of the Lord
"Come Back and Feast at the Table of the Lord," an invitation Howard W. Hunter gave the day after we became the president of the Church,...
True Greatness
What is greatness? A quick search on the Internet can give you several definitions. Webster's Dictionary defines great as "markedly...
This I Know . . .
This I know . . . We have a kind, loving Heavenly Father. He knows and loves us. He is aware of our needs and listens to our prayers. ...
My Peace I Give Unto You
In Chapter 2 of Teachings of the President of the Church: Howard W. Hunter, President Hunter reminds us that "peace is a state of...
Beware of Pride!
“Pride does not look up to God and care about what is right. It looks sideways to man. . . . It is self-will as opposed to God’s will....
Because He Lives
On this Easter morning, I share my testimony of my Savior, of His Atonement and His Resurrection. Words are inadequate to express my love...