The Holy Priesthood
If asked to state in one sentence or phrase the most distinguishing feature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what...
Losing Ourselves in the Service of Others
The Savior’s life was filled with loving, serving and teaching. During these times, two simple words were an often-repeated request from...
Peace & Contentment Through Temporal Self-Reliance
Why do you think we are so often counseled to be temporally self-reliant? While the answer might seem quite simple, I believe there is...
Obedience: Simply Live the Gospel
Obedience: Simply Live the Gospel. To me, that is not only the title of Chapter 12 but also the way Gordon B. Hinckley defines the word...
Home - The Basis For A Righteous Life
Gordon B. Hinckley said, “The more surely you rear your children in the ways of the gospel of Jesus Christ, with love and high...
Nurturing the Eternal Partnership of Marriage
Gordon B. Hinckley said, “Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals.” Watching their interaction, it was evident that...
The Precious Gift of Testimony
One of the beauties of general conference is the gathering of the members of the Church from all over the world, sometimes physically and...
We Look to Christ
“Absolutely basic to our faith is our testimony of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. We believe in Christ. We teach of Christ. We look to...
The Whisperings of the Spirit
In Chapter 7, The Whisperings of the Spirit, Gordon B. Hinckley teaches, “There is no greater blessing that can come into our lives than...
How Mighty a Thing is Prayer
As I began my study of Chapter 6, How Mighty a Thing is Prayer, I remembered the quote from Donald L. Hallstrom used in the last blog,...