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The last talk from the last session of general conference was given by Elder David A. Bednar. Although it was not what I had anticipated, I loved it! He began by referring to a 1996 interview President Gordon B. Hinckley had with Mike Wallace which aired on "60 Minutes." Mr. Wallace questioned President Hinckley about the Church being run by old men. President Hinckley's response was, "Isn't it wonderful!" I love what Elder Bednar taught us:

"My purpose is to explain why indeed it is wonderful to have older men of great spiritual maturity and judgment serving in the senior leadership positions of the restored Church of Jesus Christ—and why we should hear and hearken to the teachings of these men whom the Lord has chosen to bear testimony of His name … among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people."

"These men have had a sustained season of tutoring by the Lord, whom they represent, serve, and love. They have learned to understand the divine language of the Holy Spirit and the Lord’s patterns for receiving revelation. These ordinary men have undergone a most extraordinary developmental process that has sharpened their vision, informed their insight, engendered love for people from all nations and circumstances, and affirmed the reality of the Restoration."

"These men are not spared from affliction. Rather they are blessed and strengthened to press forward valiantly while suffering in and with affliction."

Elder Bednar spoke with great emotion as he talked about the six men who have passed away during his time as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (James E. Faust, Gordon B. Hinckley, Joseph B. Wirthlin, L. Tom Perry, Boyd K. Packer and Richard G. Scott). He shared a portion of each of their final conference addresses, which he called lessons of a lifetime from men he loves.

Humility, spiritual strength, knowledge, loyalty, unity, love and expressions of confidence.

These are most definitely the characteristics of the men Elder Bednar spoke about. They are the characteristics the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. They are the characteristics of the men and women we heard speak to us to during general conference.

And these are the words Ezra Taft Benson used to describe effective leadership in Lesson 19 of Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Ezra Taft Benson. I loved the lesson the first time I read it. I loved the lesson even more when I read it again after general conference, having just witnessed is true leadership in action!

Of course we will not always be serving in leadership positions. However, if we follow the Savior's example, we will always be serving - somewhere. And because these qualities - humility, spiritual strength, knowledge, loyalty, unity, love and expressions of confidence - are some of the divine attributes of the Savior, they will always bless our lives and the lives of those around us. Whether applied in our homes or elsewhere, the insights we can learn from this lesson are so valuable. One of the things President Benson taught is that our young people need fewer critics and more models. He said, "You are the models to which they will look for a pattern in life to which they can follow and adhere. They will need the inspiration which can come from you as you square your lives fully with the teachings of the gospel." It is more important than ever before that we follow the example of our Savior and "stand firm in the faith, unwavering in the face of evil."

This is one of my favorite qutoes from the lesson. Oh how we need the Spirit as we seek these spiritual gifts and attributes!

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