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Motherhood & Fatherhood - Our Sacred Obligation

These quotes come from Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Ezra Taft Benson, Lesson 15. Much of the lesson comes from two talks President Benson gave in 1987 to the fathers and mothers of the Church (referenced below with the link). President Benson always was a powerful advocate for families! In 1986, he took the opportunity to speak to the young men during the Priesthood Session of April General Conference and to the young women during the General Women's Meeting the week before October General Conference. The following year, during the Priesthood Session of October General Conference, he gave a talk titled "To the Fathers in Israel." It was, however, his talk given at a fireside for parents in February of 1987 titled "To the Mothers in Zion" that seemed to stir up some "controversy." I remember as a young mother the backlash which came, mostly from him saying that "contrary to conventional wisdom, a mother's calling is in the home, not the market place." One thing I know is that I have always been blessed when I follow the prophet! I know for me that being able to be at home with my children was one of the greatest blessings in my life! And I am so grateful for a husband who wanted me to be at home with the kids. There were many sacrifices - from both of us. But we would both say they were definitely worth it! I wholeheartedly agree with President Benson's quote: "A child needs a mother more than all the things money can buy. Spending time with your children is the greatest gift of all."

One of the ways we have been counseled to spend time with our children is to have family home evening. I wish I could have a do-over on that! Sometimes we were successful, sometimes we were not. I recently read something that really made me wish for that do-over! It was in an Ensign article by Jan Whitney Hansen, "The Calling I Didn't Know I Had." She shared an epiphany she had:

“Family home evening is one of your callings. In fact, it is part of your most important calling—motherhood!” I reflected on that insight. “If I can make the time to magnify my callings as newsletter editor and visiting teacher, I can surely magnify my family home evening calling.”

Another thing that gave me a deeper understanding of the importance of family home evening came from something President Harold B. Lee said on the subject. It was quoted in L. Tom Perry's April 1994 General Conference talk "Therefore I Was Taught."

“Now keep in mind this; that when the full measure of Elijah’s mission is understood, that the hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers, and the fathers to the children. It applies just as much on this side of the veil as it does on the other side of the veil. If we neglect our families here in having family home night and we fail in our responsibility here, how would it look if we lost some of those through our own neglect? Heaven would not be heaven until we have done everything we can to save those whom the Lord has sent through our lineage.

“So, the hearts of you fathers and mothers must be turned to your children right now, if you have the true spirit of Elijah, and not think that it applies merely to those who are beyond the veil. Let your hearts be turned to your children, and teach your children; but you must do it when they are young enough to be properly schooled. And if you are neglecting your family home evening, you are neglecting the beginning of the mission of Elijah just as certainly as if you were neglecting your research work of genealogy” (Relief Society Courses of Study, 1977–78, Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1977).

President Benson said: "Our young people need love and attention, not indulgence. They need empathy and understanding, not indifference from mothers and fathers. They need the parents’ time. A mother’s kindly teachings and her love for and confidence in a teenage son or daughter can literally save them from a wicked world." Is it any wonder we are repeatedly reminded to spend time with our families? Parenting needs to be a priority. With the ever-changing world we live in, the one constant in our lives must be our families! Our children need us! And we need our children!

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