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The Book of Mormon Will Change Your Life

These quotes come from Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Ezra Taft Benson, Lesson 9. The entire lesson, entitled "The Book of Mormon - Keystone of Our Religion" can be found here.

The title of this post comes from an article in the February 2004 Ensign by Henry B. Eyring. Here is the link for that. The Book of Mormon has changed my life! I love reading it! I have read it many times yet always find new and inspiring things to help me in my life. I love that the Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ over and over. I accepted a challenge many years ago to read the Book of Mormon every day. I have truly felt blessed for doing that. In the article, President Eyring gives a challenge. The whole article is definitey worth reading, but this particular part really stood out to me. I accept this challenge and hope you will too! "As you read the Book of Mormon, you . . . will know some things you should do. As you do them, you will have greater light given to you because you will have proved that you believe. I bear testimony that however much you have learned from the Book of Mormon before, you should read it again and prove it. Prove it by proving yourself. Do the things you feel impressed to do, and you will find things in it that you have never seen before."

Book of Mormon

treasure the word

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