September’s doctrinal topic was commandments. “Commandments are the laws and requirements that a loving Heavenly Father gives His...
The Savior is Our Perfect Example of Ministering
As I was reading “The Living Christ” during the sacrament a few Sundays ago, I began thinking how this beautiful testimony of the Savior...
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is March’s doctrinal topic for the youth. There is no more glorious doctrine! Jeffrey R. Holland has...
The Plan of Salvation
As I have been studying February’s doctrinal topic, The Plan of Salvation, it made me think of the time a few years ago when my son was...
The Atonement of Jesus Christ: Vast in Its Reach, Intimate in Its Effect
As we celebrate Christmas, we focus our thoughts on the glorious gift our Heavenly Father has given to each of us—the gift of His Son. ...