Ministering Motivated by Christlike Love
Jeffrey R. Holland once said, “Christlike love is the greatest need we have on this planet.”1 It is that kind of love that helps us as...
Ordinances & Covenants
The doctrinal topic for July’s study is ordinances and covenants. In True to the Faith we learn that “ an ordinance is a sacred, formal...
Prophets & Revelation
The doctrinal topic for May’s discussion is Prophets and Revelation. April’s General Conference is perfect for this discussion. It was...
The Apostasy and The Restoration
April’s doctrinal topic for the youth is the Apostasy and the Restoration. We know that when Jesus Christ was on the earth He established...
The Godhead
With the new curriculum, on the second and third Sundays, we will have “facilitated spiritual discussions” instead of Relief Society and...
The Latter-day Miracle of Missionary Work
In Chapter 21, The Latter-day Miracle of Missionary Work, Gordon B. Hinckley teaches, “The world today needs the power of pure testimony....
Fellowship With Those Who Are Not of Our Faith
We are all familiar with the parable of the good Samaritan. As a man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho, he was robbed and left for...
Continue the Great Process of Learning
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are continually encouraged to learn and also to learn continually. James E....
The Holy Priesthood
If asked to state in one sentence or phrase the most distinguishing feature of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what...
The Precious Gift of Testimony
One of the beauties of general conference is the gathering of the members of the Church from all over the world, sometimes physically and...