The Atonement of Jesus Christ
The Atonement of Jesus Christ is March’s doctrinal topic for the youth. There is no more glorious doctrine! Jeffrey R. Holland has...
The Plan of Salvation
As I have been studying February’s doctrinal topic, The Plan of Salvation, it made me think of the time a few years ago when my son was...
The Sabbath: A Day to Remember What God Has Done for Us
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have been encouraged to increase our devotion to the Lord by more fully...
The Atonement of Jesus Christ: Vast in Its Reach, Intimate in Its Effect
As we celebrate Christmas, we focus our thoughts on the glorious gift our Heavenly Father has given to each of us—the gift of His Son. ...
Priesthood Leadership in the Church of Jesus Christ
When the Savior was on the earth, He organized His church by giving “some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some,...
Virtue - A Cornerstone on Which to Build Our Lives
“There is nothing in all this world as magnificent as virtue,” Gordon B. Hinckley teaches in Chapter 18, Virtue—A Cornerstone on Which to...
The Power of the Book of Mormon
In Chapter 16, The Power of the Book of Mormon, Gordon B. Hinckley boldly declares, “There is nothing we could do of greater importance...
Losing Ourselves in the Service of Others
The Savior’s life was filled with loving, serving and teaching. During these times, two simple words were an often-repeated request from...
We Look to Christ
“Absolutely basic to our faith is our testimony of Jesus Christ as the Son of God. We believe in Christ. We teach of Christ. We look to...
The Restoration of the Gospel - The Dawning of a Brighter Day
A couple of weeks ago I attended church in a Tongan ward on Maui. Whenever we go to Maui, we always go to the same church, at the same...